Kerala Catholic Bishop Council

Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council Pastoral Orientation Centre P.B. No. 2251, Palarivattom, Kochi - 682 025, Kerala, India - Ernakulam
About Kerala Catholic Bishop Council

The Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council is a permanent association of the Catholic bishops in Kerala. It is an association of three rites of the Church in Kerala - the Latin, the Syro Malabar and the Syro Malankara. The objectives of KCBC are to facilitate co-ordinate study and discussion of questions affecting the Church, and adoption of a common policy and effective action in all matters concerning the interests of the Church in Kerala.

The statutes of KCBC says the Council shall in no way limit, prejudice or interfere with the distinctive character of particular Rites in respect of their liturgy, ecclesiastical discipline and spiritual patrimony, such matters being subject to the competent authority of the particular Rite concerned.

The general purpose of KCBC is to facilitate for its members the coordinated study and common discussion of questions affecting the Church in Kerala and the facilitation of a common policy and concerted action. In this way, the KCBC is intended to give witness to Christ more effectively in the service of the people of India in general and those of Kerala in particular.

In particular, the KCBC intends to express, through statements and representations, the common standpoint of its members in the matters of common concern falling within the limits of their jurisdiction, and to promote, by concerted action and guidance, all matters of common interest.The office bearers of KCBC are the President, the Vice President and the Secretary. They are elected by the Council for a period of three years.

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