Thali Matrimonial

Millennium Building, Near North Railway Station, Ernakulam, Kerala, India-682018 - Ernakulam
About Thali Matrimonial

Marriage is not only the union of two minds but also the union of two families.Thali Matrimony has been helping the customers to find a unique partner fit for the concept of each person and his/her family.From the beginning stage onwards our advertisements are our satisfied customers.Due to high demand and request of parents who have been searching suitable partner for their kids and the request from younsters , we proudly presents .Our head office is sitiuated at Ernakulam North,Kerala.With our eyes on growth, we focused on becoming favorite matrimonial service provider of Kerala.Today we cater our services to many of the economically weaker, middle income, higher income families of South India especially in Kerala. It was the same aspiration for growth that led us to expand our activities to online ( to cater our services to global families.

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