Wellness Offerings Pizhichil In Ideal Ayurvedic Resort
Ideal Ayurvedic Resort Chowara Beach, Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India - Thiruvananthapuram 695501
About Wellness Offerings Pizhichil in Ideal Ayurvedic Resort
literally means squeezing. Here, warm medicated oil is squeezed over the patient's body from a piece of cloth that is periodically dipped in a vessel containing the oil. A king among traditional techniques and a speciality of Kerala Duration : 45 to 60 Mins for 7 to 21 days Indications : Joint problems, Joint stiffness, Muscle tension, Increases blood circulation, Enhances sexual ability, Nourishes nerve tissues and body muscles, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, General debility
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