Ambady Kannan Resort

Ambady Kannan Resorts West Nada, Guruvayur Kerala, India- 680101 - Thrissur 680101
About Ambady Kannan Resort

Ambady Kannan Resorts is not just a place of stay but is a member of your family. Is there any other place like our home?? Yes, now here is a place to stay and fulfill your prayers to the Supreme Lord. We provide you all the facilities that make you feel at home, when away.

Ambady Kannan Resorts, known for its remarkable hospitality, peaceful surroundings with greenery, provides the best ever facility to its customers. This is an ideal stay to different categories of people coming from different parts of the country. A stay, purely different with blessings of the Supreme; will leave your heart filled with many sweet memories.

We are a family-style budget hotel with warm and stylish facilities. It is located at the western side with two minutes of walking distance from Guruvayoor temple.

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